| Discussion of the specimen Taraxacum scanicum Краснодарский край, Кущёвский р-н, станица Шкуринская. Determined by Андрей Любченко Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Mihail Lavrentyev | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Pavel Yevseyenkov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Minuartia hirsuta ssp. falcata Греция, Центральная Македония, окр. г. Салоники (Θεσσαλονίκη), опушка леса. Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk Author is Roland Tsantekidis Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Roland Tsantekidis new posts | |
| Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Roland Tsantekidis | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Psephellus vvedenskii Туапсинский р-н Краснодарского края, гора Семиглавая, субальпийский пояс. Determined by Alexander Ivanov Author is Max L. Zaitsev Topic started by Alexander Ivanov | by Max L. Zaitsev new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Yury Ivanenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Yury Ivanenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Nikolai Golubev | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Galina Konechnaya new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Topic started by Pavel Yevseyenkov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Lagoseris sancta Краснодарский край, сухой южный склон над р. Ея у станицы Шкуринская. Determined by Galina Konechnaya Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Rochelia retorta Краснодарский край, сухой южный склон над р. Ея у станицы Шкуринская. Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Myosotis micrantha Краснодарский край, Кущёвский р-н, станица Шкуринская, пустыри. Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Chaenomeles japonica Киев, Святошинский лес, смешанная часть с преобладанием клёна, берёзы и сосны. Determined by Dmitry Oreshkin Author is Rostislav Lezhoyev Topic started by Rostislav Lezhoyev | by Vladimir Epiktetov new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Roland Tsantekidis new posts | |
| Topic started by Galina Konechnaya | by Galina Konechnaya new posts | |
| Topic started by Ирина Пескова | by Ирина Пескова new posts | |