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Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение в степи. Казахстан, р-н Караганды, окрестности оз. Балхаш. 14.04.2009.

Determined as Geranium transversale

Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko

Author is Анна Сухарева

Topic started by Дмитрий Епихин

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Крым, Ялта, окр. водопада Учан-Cу. 16.05.2009.

Determined as Cruciata taurica

Determined by Ирина Пескова

Author is Ирина Пескова

Topic started by Ирина Пескова

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка растения с соцветиями. Карпаты, окрестности г. Косов, поляна в хвойном лесу. 06.07.2007.

Determined as Telekia speciosa

Determined by Андрей Любченко

Author is Sergej Kozlan

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Discussion of the specimen

Часть побега с мужскими соцветиями. Крым, Ялта. 23.05.2009.

Determined as Maclura pomifera

Determined by Denis Mirin

Author is Ирина Пескова

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка цветущего растения. Крым, Ялта, окр. вдп. Учан-Су. 16.05.2009.

Determined as Potentilla geoides

Determined by Denis Mirin

Author is Ирина Пескова

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие и часть листа. Краснодарский край, Кущёвский р-н, станица Шкуринская, в культуре (поле). 23.05.2008.

Determined as Onobrychis viciifolia

Determined by Андрей Любченко

Author is Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Discussion of the specimen

Распускающиеся листья на конце ростового побега (фенофаза 3Л1). Новгородская область, Хвойнинский район, ПГТ Хвойная. 16.05.2009.

Determined as Quercus robur

Determined by Anna Syrnikova

Author is Anna Syrnikova

Topic started by Anna Syrnikova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Карельский перешеек, окр. Сертолово, обочина просеки газопровода. 21.05.2009.

Determined as Viola rupestris

Determined by Yury Ivanenko

Author is Eugene Davkaev

Topic started by Yury Ivanenko

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка стебля с цветком и бутонами. Карельский перешеек, окр. Сертолово, луг. 21.05.2009.

Determined as Ranunculus auricomus

Determined by Max L. Zaitsev

Author is Eugene Davkaev

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Discussion of the specimen

Побег с соцветиями. Республика Татарстан, г. Казань. 22.05.2009.

Determined as Malus × purpurea

Author is Vadim Prokhorov

Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov

Discussion of the specimen

Нераскрывшаяся корзинка. Греция, Халкидики. 02.05.2009.

Determined as Crupina crupinastrum

Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko

Author is Roland Tsantekidis

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Карпаты, окрестности г. Косов, южный склон горного хребта. 22.05.2009.

Determined as Pilosella officinarum

Determined by Denis A. Davydov

Author is Sergej Kozlan

Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Крым, Ялта, окр. водопада Учан-Су. 16.05.2009.

Determined as Lathyrus digitatus

Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko

Author is Ирина Пескова

Topic started by Ирина Пескова

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Краснодарский край, сухой южный склон над р. Ея у станицы Шкуринская. 21.05.2009.

Determined as Astragalus onobrychis

Determined by Vadim Prokhorov

Author is Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Крым, окр. Симферополя. 19 мая 2009 г.

Determined as Veronica jacquinii

Determined by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Author is Pavel Yevseyenkov

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Прошлогодние стебли с сухими плодами. Карельский перешеек, окрестности станции Гаврилово, сосновый лес. 16.05.2009.

Determined as Hypopitys monotropa

Determined by Yury Ivanenko

Author is Eugene Davkaev

Topic started by Yury Ivanenko

Discussion of the specimen

Верхушка побега с цветком и бутонами. Краснодарский край, Кущёвский р-н, станица Шкуринская, многолетняя залежь. 22.05.2009.

Determined as Potentilla argentea

Determined by Андрей Любченко

Author is Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Андрей Любченко

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение на просеке. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 21.05.2009.

Determined as Chamaecytisus borysthenicus

Determined by Vladislav Grigorenko

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Андрей Любченко

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветия. Московская обл., Дмитровский район. Май 2009 г.

Determined as Pulmonaria obscura

Author is Наталия Демченко

Topic started by Наталия Демченко

Discussion of the specimen

Цветок. Тянь-Шань, Илейский Алатау. 19.05.2009.

Determined as Cerastium davuricum

Author is Vladimir Epiktetov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Растение с бутонами. Курская обл., Железногорский р-н, лес у фабрики окомкования МГОКа. 28 мая 2008 г.

Determined as Platanthera bifolia

Determined by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Author is Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Часть соцветия с цветками и плодами. Окр. Симферополя, 19 мая 2009 г.

Determined as Anthriscus cerefolium

Determined by Maxim Kucherov

Author is Pavel Yevseyenkov

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Соплодие. Нижегородская обл., Первомайский р-н, окр. дер. Корольковка. 15 мая 2009 г.

Determined as Salix triandra

Determined by Anton Kurganov

Author is Sergey Appolonov

Topic started by Наталия Шульц

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветия. Москва, 21.05.2009.

Determined as Padus virginiana

Determined by Dmitry Oreshkin

Author is Наталия Демченко

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 20.05.2009.

Determined as Agropyron

Determined by Vadim Prokhorov

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 20.05.2009.

Determined as Agropyron

Determined by Vadim Prokhorov

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение. Карельский перешеек, окр. Сертолово, обочина просеки газопровода. 12.05.2009.

Determined as Viola epipsila

Determined by Max L. Zaitsev

Author is Eugene Davkaev

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Ветви с плодами. Москва, 21.05.2009.

Determined as Ulmus pumila

Determined by Lena Glazunova

Author is Наталия Демченко

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Discussion of the specimen

Соцветие. Тянь-Шань, Илейский Алатау, 1200 м н.у.м. 15.04.2009.

Determined as Pedicularis alberti

Determined by Denis Melnikov

Author is Vladimir Epiktetov

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Discussion of the specimen

Цветущее растение на обочине дороги. Украина, г. Запорожье, о-в Хортица. 20.05.2009.

Determined as Anisantha tectorum

Determined by Vadim Prokhorov

Author is Владимир Свириденко

Topic started by Vadim Prokhorov

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