| Discussion of the specimen Asperula setosa![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Армения, Зангезурский хребет, ущ. Каджаранц, 2100 м н.у.м. Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk Author is Sergey Arevshatyan Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Игорь Стяжкин | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Xanthium spinosum![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Казахстан, западная часть Заилийского Алатау, предгорья. Determined by Aleksandr Ebel Author is Игорь Стяжкин Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Isodon excisus Юг Приморья, п-ов Трудный, бухта Отрада, окр. г. Находка. Determined by Dmitry Oreshkin Author is Валерий Озерянко Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Lysimachia clethroides Юг Приморья, Партизанский р-н, окр. с. Хмельницкое, смешанный лес. Determined by Vera Volkotrub Author is Валерий Озерянко Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Viola tricolor Украина, Черкасская обл., Каневский р-н, Региональный ландшафтный парк "Трахтемиров", берег Каневского водохранилища. Author is Vasyl Heluta Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Acer semenovii![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Казахстан, западная часть Заилийского Алатау, предгорья. Determined by Наталия Шульц Author is Игорь Стяжкин Topic started by Игорь Стяжкин | by Игорь Стяжкин new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Ledum palustre![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Магаданская обл., Колымское нагорье, склон сопки Беличья близ пос. Ягодное. Author is Анна Миронова Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Анна Миронова new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Ranunculus polyanthemos Север Краснодарского края, пойменный луг между станицами Шкуринская и Канеловская. Determined by Андрей Любченко Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Carex riparia Крым, Байдарская долина, окр. с. Кизиловое, берег р. Курулюк-Су. Determined by Max L. Zaitsev Author is Илья Турбанов Topic started by Илья Турбанов | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Aleksandr Ebel new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Sclerochloa dura Север Кубани, пойма между станицами Шкуринская и Канеловская, обочина дороги. Determined by Андрей Любченко Author is Андрей Любченко Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Андрей Любченко new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Orchis × angusticruris![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Крым, Байдарская долина, окр. с. Кизиловое, гора Пыскачых. Determined by Илья Турбанов Author is Илья Турбанов Topic started by Илья Турбанов | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov | by Максим Петров new posts | |
| Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Максим Петров new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Astragalus rupifragus![](/img/menu-icon-msg.gif) Крым, окр. Севастополя, заказник "Мыс Айя", хр. Биллер, восточный склон г. Биллер, возв. Тувар-Тели (Инжир). Determined by Михаил Князев Author is Илья Турбанов Topic started by Михаил Князев | by Михаил Князев new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Илья Турбанов new posts | |
| Topic started by Pavel Yevseyenkov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Cardamine graeca Крым, Ай-Петринская яйла, тропа "Чёртова лестница". Determined by Илья Турбанов Author is Pavel Yevseyenkov Topic started by Pavel Yevseyenkov | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |