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Цеструм парки / discussion of the name

of taxon Cestrum parqui

The name added by Yuliya Borisova

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Очиток Хиллебранда / discussion of the name

of taxon Sedum hillebrandii

The name added by Yuriy Danilevsky

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Гардения Тунберга / discussion of the name

of taxon Gardenia thunbergia

The name added by Yuliya Borisova

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Турухания русская / discussion of the name

of taxon Melilotoides ruthenica

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Кислица Дилениуса / discussion of the name

of taxon Oxalis dillenii

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Мытник хохлатый / discussion of the name

of taxon Pedicularis kaufmannii

The name added by Vadim Prokhorov

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Прострел албанский / discussion of the name

of taxon Pulsatilla albana

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Сергей Майоров

Строфант Пройса / discussion of the name

of taxon Strophanthus preussii

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Гвоздика разноцветная / discussion of the name

of taxon Dianthus versicolor

Флора СССР (1936) - т. 6, стр. 824

The name added by Petr Kosachev

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Тибухина семитычиночная / discussion of the name

of taxon Tibouchina urvilleana

Сааков С.Г. Оранжерейные и комнатные растения и уход за ними. - Л.: Наука, 1983, стр. 448

The name added by Yuliya Borisova

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Софора Яуберта / discussion of the name

of taxon Sophora jaubertii

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Аира / discussion of the name

of taxon Aira

Флора СССР, том 2.

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Бородачёвник / discussion of the name

of taxon Andropogon

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Полевичка согнутолистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Eragrostis curvula

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Овсяница фиолетовая / discussion of the name

of taxon Festuca chalcophaea

Н.Н. Цвелёв. Злаки СССР, с. 402

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Овсяница Семье / discussion of the name

of taxon Festuca sommieri

The name added by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Бекманния / discussion of the name

of taxon Beckmannia

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Пузырник Дайкка / discussion of the name

of taxon Cystopteris dickieana

Флора СССР, 1:24

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Пузырник Дайка / discussion of the name

of taxon Cystopteris dickieana

The name added by Pospelov Igor

Topic started by Dmitriy Bochkov

Астрагал ложнодлиннокрылый / discussion of the name

of taxon Astragalus pseudomacropterus

The name added by Eugene Davkaev

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Мёрингия / discussion of the name

of taxon Moehringia

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Ива подофилловая / discussion of the name

of taxon Salix rhamnifolia

The name added by Boris Bolshakov

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Красноднев рыжий / discussion of the name

of taxon Hemerocallis fulva

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Офрис копетдагская / discussion of the name

of taxon Ophrys oestrifera

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Эдельвейс коротколучевой / discussion of the name

of taxon Leontopodium brachyactis

The name added by Anastasiya Karelina

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Сыть очерёднолистная

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Хруплявник Геуффеля / discussion of the name

of taxon Polycnemum heuffelii

The name added by Gennadiy Okatov

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Бодяк тимфейский / discussion of the name

of taxon Cirsium tymphaeum

The name added by Yuliya Borisova

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Стрелиция Николая / discussion of the name

of taxon Strelitzia nicolai

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

Ястребинка буроватая / discussion of the name

of taxon Hieracium furvescens

КК Мурманской области

The name added by Ramzia Gaynanova

Topic started by Dmitriy Bochkov

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