Начать обсуждения можно на страницах таксонов в списках названий и на страницах "Русскоязычные названия" и "Категоризация названий".
of taxon Bacidia fraxinea
The name added by Natalia Gamova
Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin
by Dmitry Oreshkin
of taxon Schizolobium parahyba
The name added by Maksym Shevchenko
Topic started by Natalia Gamova
by Yuliya Borisova
of taxon Quercus × warei
The name added by Natalija Shevyreva
Topic started by Yuliya Borisova
of taxon Angelica sachokiana
by Natalia Gamova
of taxon Erica discolor
The name added by Anna Malykhina
of taxon Bauhinia divaricata
Topic started by Maksym Shevchenko
by Владимир Меженский
of taxon Lilium szovitsianum
The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin
Topic started by Владимир Меженский
by Alexander Fateryga
of taxon Mespilus
of taxon Ficus carica
Донецкая Е.Лекарственные растения в быту, медицине, косметике: - М.: Вече, 2017. - т.3. - с.151.
The name added by Boris Bolshakov
Topic started by Андрей Пауесов
of taxon Acer diabolicum
of taxon Aloe juvenna
The name added by Roland Tsantekidis
of taxon Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii
of taxon Salvia ariana
Topic started by Alexandr Pavlenko
of taxon Lomelosia brachiata
Topic started by Любовь Рыфф
of taxon Crassula namaquensis
of taxon Epipactis helleborine
The name added by Alexander Fateryga
Topic started by Alexander Fateryga
by Lena Glazunova
of taxon Anthyllis hermanniae
Topic started by Dmitriy Bochkov
of taxon Codonocephalum peacockianum
The name added by Andriy Kovalchuk
by Vladislav Grigorenko
of taxon Taraxacum
The name added by Александр Лебедев
Topic started by Александр Лебедев
by Александр Лебедев
of taxon Chamaenerion colchicum
of taxon Fritillaria latifolia
of taxon Traunsteinera sphaerica
of taxon Astragalus levieri
of taxon Saxifraga exarata
of taxon Jurinella subacaulis