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Манжетка мешочковая / discussion of the name

of taxon Alchemilla urceolata

The name added by Denis Mirin

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Осока ложновонючая / discussion of the name

of taxon Carex pseudofoetida

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Борщевик европейский / discussion of the name

of taxon Heracleum sphondylium

The name added by Rostislav Lezhoyev

Topic started by Rostislav Lezhoyev

Павловния Фаргеза / discussion of the name

of taxon Paulownia fargesii

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Клубнекамыш ягара / discussion of the name

of taxon Bolboschoenus yagara

буквально "yagara" (柄) - древко стрелы;

The name added by Андрей Барышенко

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Клён Никко / discussion of the name

of taxon Acer maximowiczianum

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Ксанториза простейшая / discussion of the name

of taxon Xanthorhiza simplicissima

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Желтокоренник / discussion of the name

of taxon Xanthorhiza

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Нефролепис коротко-жестковолосистый / discussion of the name

of taxon Nephrolepis hirsutula

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Нефролепис мечевидный / discussion of the name

of taxon Nephrolepis biserrata

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Юзепчукия Роксбурга / discussion of the name

of taxon Rosa roxburghii

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Пальмира веероносная / discussion of the name

of taxon Borassus flabellifer

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Птицемлечник нарбоннский / discussion of the name

of taxon Ornithogalum narbonense

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Фиалка медвежья

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Ковыль Окмира / discussion of the name

of taxon Stipa okmirii

Вид назван в честь Окмира Егишевича Агаханянца (сведения из протолога).

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Ройстоунея кубинская / discussion of the name

of taxon Roystonea regia

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Осока жестковидная / discussion of the name

of taxon Carex rigidioides

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Ракитник Тейде / discussion of the name

of taxon Cytisus supranubius

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Красула / discussion of the name

of taxon Crassula

С.Г. Сааков. Комнатные и оранжерейные растения.

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Щирица Палмера / discussion of the name

of taxon Amaranthus palmeri

Флора Восточной Европы, т. 9. СПб., 1996.

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Полисциас шлемниковый / discussion of the name

of taxon Polyscias scutellaria

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Володушка Порфирия / discussion of the name

of taxon Bupleurum aureum ssp. porfirii

The name added by Nikolay Stepanov

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Льнянка пурпурная / discussion of the name

of taxon Linaria purpurea

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Квиноа / discussion of the name

of taxon Chenopodium quinoa

Мировые ресурсы полезных растений. Вульф Е. В., Малеева О. Ф.

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Киноа / discussion of the name

of taxon Chenopodium quinoa

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Каперс мелкоколючковый / discussion of the name

of taxon Capparis micracantha

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Гейхера трясунковидная / discussion of the name

of taxon Heuchera × brizoides

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Соляноцветник редкоцветковый / discussion of the name

of taxon Halimocnemis rarifolia

Флора Армении, т. 2

The name added by Yuri Pirogov

Topic started by Yuri Pirogov

Армерия небродская / discussion of the name

of taxon Armeria nebrodensis

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Астрагал крючечный / discussion of the name

of taxon Astragalus glochideus

Флора СССР, 12:471

The name added by Alexander Ivanov

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

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