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Эритрина коралловая / discussion of the name

of taxon Erythrina corallodendron

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Красивоплодник Бодинье / discussion of the name

of taxon Callicarpa bodinieri

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Астрагал Сукачёва / discussion of the name

of taxon Astragalus sukaczevii

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Аллохруза Тахтаджяна / discussion of the name

of taxon Acanthophyllum takhtajanii

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Голоплодник / discussion of the name

of taxon Gymnocarpium

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Нарцисс астурийский / discussion of the name

of taxon Narcissus asturiensis

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Копытень гетеротроповидный / discussion of the name

of taxon Asarum heterotropoides

The name added by Denis Melnikov

Topic started by Yuri Pirogov

Рябчик дагана / discussion of the name

of taxon Fritillaria dagana

The name added by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Nikolay Stepanov

Лук трёхгранный / discussion of the name

of taxon Allium triquetrum

Декоративные травянистые растения, 1977, т. 1.

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Иохрома голубая / discussion of the name

of taxon Iochroma cyaneum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Барбарис Юлиана / discussion of the name

of taxon Berberis julianae

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Арктоцвет / discussion of the name

of taxon Arctanthemum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Купальница Миябэ / discussion of the name

of taxon Trollius riederianus

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Марь мелколистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Chenopodium striatiforme

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Вейник тростниковидный / discussion of the name

of taxon Calamagrostis arundinacea

The name added by Denis Mirin

Topic started by Искатций Радвиллов

Ель сибирская голубая / discussion of the name

of taxon Picea obovata var. coerulea

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Нут мелколисточковый / discussion of the name

of taxon Cicer microphyllum

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Трипутник / discussion of the name

of taxon Swertia

The name added by Denis Melnikov

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Спатипаппус Гриффита / discussion of the name

of taxon Spathipappus griffithii

Определитель растений Средней Азии, том 10

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Песколюб щетинолопастный / discussion of the name

of taxon Cuminum setifolium

Иллюстрированный определитель растений Казахстана, том 2

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Гроздовник многораздельный

Topic started by Denis A. Davydov

Гребенщик стройный / discussion of the name

of taxon Tamarix gracilis

The name added by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Алексей Дуварёв

Оносма кавказская малореснитчатая / discussion of the name

of taxon Onosma caucasica ssp. oligotricha

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Yuri Pirogov

Манжетка маловолосая / discussion of the name

of taxon Alchemilla oligotricha

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Yuri Pirogov

Эспарто / discussion of the name

of taxon Lygeum spartum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Житняк гребенчатый / discussion of the name

of taxon Agropyron pectinatum

The name added by Denis Mirin

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Рапонтикум / discussion of the name

of taxon Rhaponticum

Флора Красноярского края, вып. 10

The name added by Yuri Pirogov

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Бельвалия Савича / discussion of the name

of taxon Bellevalia saviczii

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Копеечник крупноцветный / discussion of the name

of taxon Hedysarum macranthum

Флора СССР, том 13

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Манжетка зелёно-шёлковая / discussion of the name

of taxon Alchemilla chlorosericea

Флора СССР, том 10

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

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