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Вероника ягодколистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Veronica acinifolia

Флора СССР, том 22

The name added by Евгения Грищенко

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Веерник / discussion of the name

of taxon Miscanthus

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Яснотка гарганская / discussion of the name

of taxon Lamium garganicum

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Тимьян Леви

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Каликотоме волосистое / discussion of the name

of taxon Calicotome villosa

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Полынь полусухая / discussion of the name

of taxon Artemisia semiarida

Горяев М.И. Эфирные масла флоры СССР

The name added by Yuri Pirogov

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Офрис осоносный / discussion of the name

of taxon Ophrys tenthredinifera

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk

Плюмерия стыдливая / discussion of the name

of taxon Plumeria pudica

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Минуарция аицовидная / discussion of the name

of taxon Minuartia aizoides

Флора СССР, том 6

The name added by Lena Glazunova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Минуарция черепитчатая / discussion of the name

of taxon Minuartia imbricata

The name added by Yuri Pirogov

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Ель мориссонская / discussion of the name

of taxon Picea morrisonicola

Деревья и кустарники СССР, т. 1

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Любка ложнодвулистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Platanthera metabifolia

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Эдельвейс двуцветный / discussion of the name

of taxon Leontopodium discolor

Сосудистые растения советского Дальнего Востока, т. 6, с. 176.

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Берёза серая / discussion of the name

of taxon Betula costata

The name added by Денис Кочетков

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Макрочашелистик четырёхмерный / discussion of the name

of taxon Macrosepalum tetramerum

Список высших растений Сюнт-Хасардагского заповедника (

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Левкой марелистный / discussion of the name

of taxon Matthiola chenopodiifolia

The name added by Denis Melnikov

Topic started by Yuri Pirogov

Одуванчик метёлковидный

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Ясколка волосистолистная

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Ива деревцевидная / discussion of the name

of taxon Salix arbuscula

The name added by Ramzia Gaynanova

Topic started by Lena Glazunova

Рабдотэка Коровина / discussion of the name

of taxon Rhabdotheca korovinii

Флора СССР, т. 29, 1964

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko

Гусиный лук крючковатый / discussion of the name

of taxon Gagea ancestralis

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Арафе ароматная / discussion of the name

of taxon Arafoe aromatica

The name added by Nikolay Degtyaryov

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Арафоэ / discussion of the name

of taxon Arafoe

Зернов А.С. Флора Северо-Западного Кавказа

The name added by Yuri Pirogov

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Кизильник привлекательный / discussion of the name

of taxon Cotoneaster suavis

The name added by Alim Gaziev

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Ястребинка Жаккара / discussion of the name

of taxon Hieracium borodinianum

The name added by Galina Konechnaya

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Лён долгунец

Topic started by Denis Melnikov

Фацелия расставленная / discussion of the name

of taxon Phacelia distans

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Порофиллюм изящный / discussion of the name

of taxon Porophyllum gracile

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Пятнистая ланглойзия / discussion of the name

of taxon Langloisia setosissima

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Рдест Цица / discussion of the name

of taxon Potamogeton × zizii

The name added by Aleksandr Ebel

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

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