Начать обсуждения можно на страницах таксонов в списках названий и на страницах "Русскоязычные названия" и "Категоризация названий".
of taxon Narcissus triandrus
The name added by Lena Glazunova
Topic started by Lena Glazunova
by Dmitry Oreshkin
of taxon Physospermum cornubiense
The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin
Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin
by Yuri Pirogov
of taxon Magnolia denudata
Определитель высших растений Украины. Доброчаева Д.Н., Котов М.И., Прокудин Ю.Н. и др. Киев: Наук. думка, 1987. - 548 с.
The name added by Rostislav Lezhoyev
Topic started by Rostislav Lezhoyev
of taxon Acer cissifolium
of taxon Onobrychis hajastana
Флора СССР, том 13
by Aleksandr Ebel
of taxon Isatis karjaginii
Флора Армении, том 5
by Lena Glazunova
of taxon Minuartia sclerantha
Флора СССР, том 6
by Denis Melnikov
of taxon Erythrina corallodendron
of taxon Callicarpa bodinieri
of taxon Astragalus sukaczevii
of taxon Acanthophyllum takhtajanii
of taxon Gymnocarpium
of taxon Narcissus asturiensis
of taxon Asarum heterotropoides
The name added by Denis Melnikov
Topic started by Yuri Pirogov
of taxon Fritillaria dagana
The name added by Nikolay Degtyaryov
Topic started by Nikolay Stepanov
of taxon Allium triquetrum
Декоративные травянистые растения, 1977, т. 1.
of taxon Iochroma cyaneum
Topic started by Denis Mirin
of taxon Berberis julianae
of taxon Arctanthemum
of taxon Trollius riederianus
of taxon Chenopodium striatiforme
by Vladimir Papchenkov
of taxon Calamagrostis arundinacea
The name added by Denis Mirin
Topic started by Искатций Радвиллов
of taxon Picea obovata var. coerulea
Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel
of taxon Cicer microphyllum
The name added by Андрей Любченко
by Андрей Любченко
of taxon Swertia