| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Corydalis glaucescens Казахстан, Заилийский Алатау, Аксайское ущелье, ок. 1200 м н.у.м. Determined by Alim Gaziev Author is Игорь Стяжкин Topic started by Игорь Стяжкин | by Игорь Стяжкин new posts | |
| Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Vladislav Grigorenko new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Merendera trigyna Приэльбрусье, долина р. Ирик, освобожденный от снега участок луга. Determined by Andriy Kovalchuk Author is Александр Лебедев Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Наталья Фоминых | by Roland Tsantekidis new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis Melnikov | by Denis Melnikov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Pinus sylvestris Башкирия, окр. Белорецка, гора Мраткина. Сосновый лес. Author is Искатций Радвиллов Topic started by Nikolay Degtyaryov | by Nikolay Degtyaryov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Nikolay Degtyaryov new posts | |
| Topic started by Sergey Appolonov | by Sergey Appolonov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Padus avium Чувашия, окр. г. Шумерля, пойма р. Паланка, садовое товарищество. Author is Sergey Appolonov Topic started by Sergey Appolonov | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Thalictrum minus Свердловская обл., окр. г. Североуральск, опушка сосново-елового леса. Determined by Sergey Glotov Author is Sergey Glotov Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin | by Nikolay Stepanov new posts | |
| Topic started by Игорь Стяжкин | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Andriy Kovalchuk | by Andriy Kovalchuk new posts | |
| Topic started by Sergey Appolonov | by Sergey Appolonov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Vladislav Grigorenko | by Denis A. Davydov new posts | |
| Topic started by Denis A. Davydov | by Denis A. Davydov new posts | |
| Discussion of the specimen Symphytum caucasicum Казахстан, Заилийский Алатау, предгорья, Иссык. Determined by Игорь Стяжкин Author is Игорь Стяжкин Topic started by Игорь Стяжкин | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Lena Glazunova new posts | |
| Topic started by Roland Tsantekidis | by Dmitry Oreshkin new posts | |
| Topic started by Андрей Любченко | by Denis A. Davydov new posts | |
| Topic started by Lena Glazunova | by Denis A. Davydov new posts | |