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Лисохвост равный / discussion of the name

of taxon Alopecurus aequalis

The name added by Vadim Prokhorov

Topic started by Vladimir Mityanin

Рододендрон Соулея / discussion of the name

of taxon Rhododendron souliei

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Александр Зорин

Пузырник Паульсена / discussion of the name

of taxon Colutea paulsenii

The name added by Alim Gaziev

Topic started by Игорь Егоров

Роза / discussion of the name

of taxon Rosa

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Гавриил Меламуд

Дуб эллипсоидный / discussion of the name

of taxon Quercus ellipsoidalis

The name added by Гавриил Меламуд

Topic started by Гавриил Меламуд

Пион кавахский / discussion of the name

of taxon Paeonia kavachensis

The name added by Андрей Любченко

Topic started by Гавриил Меламуд

Фискония припудренная / discussion of the name

of taxon Physconia distorta

The name added by Dmitriy Bochkov

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Желтушник киккский / discussion of the name

of taxon Erysimum kykkoticum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Вьюнок мавританский / discussion of the name

of taxon Convolvulus sabatius ssp. mauritanicus

Полетико О.М., Мишенкова А.П. Декоративные травянистые растения открытого грунта. Справочник по номенклатуре родов и видов. Л., 1967, с. 56.

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Victor Kishinevsky

Лиственица / discussion of the name

of taxon Larix

The name added by Denis Melnikov

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Первоцвет Сибторпа / discussion of the name

of taxon Primula vulgaris

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Гавриил Меламуд

Каллистемон сосновый / discussion of the name

of taxon Callistemon pityoides

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Denis Mirin

Гелодиум Бландова / discussion of the name

of taxon Helodium blandowii

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Dmitriy Bochkov

Диплолепис / discussion of the name

of taxon Diplolepis

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Астрагал черногорный / discussion of the name

of taxon Astragalus nigromontanus

Флора СССР, т.12 (1946), стр. 809

The name added by Natalia Gamova

Topic started by Vladimir Kolbintsev

Мезембриантемум сердцелистный / discussion of the name

of taxon Aptenia cordifolia

Переселение растений на Полярный Север, Наука [Ленинградское отд-ние], 1964, стр. 255 "Мезембриантемум сердцевидный . Многолетнее . Листо - стеблевой суккулент . Вечнозеленое . ю . Африка ( Капская провинция ) . Декоративное . Листья сердцевидно - яйцевидные , сизоватые . Цветки пурпурово - красные..."

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Victor Kishinevsky

Аптения ланцетолистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Aptenia lancifolia

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Victor Kishinevsky

Крестовник амбарный

Topic started by Aleksandr Ebel

Осока бедненькая / discussion of the name

of taxon Carex paupercula

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Владимир Ларин

Алоэ напротиволистное / discussion of the name

of taxon Aloe suprafoliata

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Ленец месийский / discussion of the name

of taxon Thesium dollineri ssp. moesiacum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Дуб троянский / discussion of the name

of taxon Quercus trojana

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Притзелаго альпийская / discussion of the name

of taxon Pritzelago alpina

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Ветреница аппенинская / discussion of the name

of taxon Anemone apennina

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Лук нереиноцветковый / discussion of the name

of taxon Allium neriniflorum

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Остролодочник Варлаковой / discussion of the name

of taxon Oxytropis varlakovii

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Стальник средниземноморский / discussion of the name

of taxon Ononis mitissima

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Natalia Gamova

Таволга / discussion of the name

of taxon Filipendula

The name added by Denis Mirin

Topic started by Надежда Степанцова

Грушанка малолистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Pyrola japonica var. subaphylla

The name added by Victor Kishinevsky

Topic started by Dmitry Oreshkin

Кальцеолярия тысячелистная / discussion of the name

of taxon Calceolaria myriophylla

The name added by Dmitry Oreshkin

Topic started by Yuliya Borisova

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